martes, 4 de julio de 2017

Teach yourself Spark Streaming in Five Lines of Code


Here you are!, you heard about it, want to know more but don't want to spend a week going through complicated tutorials or even the documentation.
This is a minimalistic concise way of learning the concepts with minimal boilerplate code or secondary concepts.

What is Spark Streaming?

Spark Structured Streaming allows you to perform ETL of your data using plain old SQL, and to obtain query results in near real-time.
Your data can come from a variety of sources like CSV, JSON, or Parquet. For this example, we will be using JSON.

Streaming Queries

The central concept in Spark Streaming is that of Streaming Queries. Streaming Queries are Spark SQL queries, that are executed periodically on a table that can dynamically expand and shrink as new elements get added to the stream and old elements get consumed. That's all.

Code Example

The complete code can be found here. But in this tutorial we are going straight to the point. First we read the data,
In line 2, we just read the first JSON file in the folder, to get the schema for creating the stream later in lines 5-7. Notice that we're passing a pattern to match all JSON files in the folder pointed by the resourcesPath string variable.
Next thing we do, is to hook our transformation,

which is a simple SELECT operation that takes the name column and transforms the age column to year of birth.
Then we put this thing to run,

Line 2 is pretty self-explanatory, we're passing from a DataFrame to a DataStreamWriter, a new abstraction that will allow the processing to happen. Then in line 4, we call trigger on the DataStreamWriter to specify the frequency at which we want the stream to process data. Line 6 specifies we want the output to go to console.
So far nothing has happened. It is not until line 7 that the stream gets finally started. Finally, the awaitTermination() call in line 10 prevents the program from finishing. It gives 2 minutes for us to play with it.
As soon as this starts running, we will get the following output in console,
|      name|birthyear|
|     Maxim|     1995|
|Aleksander|     1994|
|      Paul|     1973|
This is just the transformation applied to our first JSON file. And to generate some additional components in the stream we will add our second JSON file to that same folder,

and we will get the following,
|   name|birthyear|
|   Juan|     1995|
| Giulio|     1994|
|Rudolph|     1973|
You see that data from the first file didn't appear again. So this is just showing the 'streaming' character of the computation. Simple, right?. Enjoy!